Monday, July 30, 2012

SMU Football Players Call Cops To Report Burglary By Prostitute!!

So a few SMU football players thought it would be a great idea to invite a prostitute over to their pad, have her perform her 'services', then deny her payment for those 'services' which they had already agreed to pay.  Well, they left her at their place (super smart move) and went to SMU's end of the year banquet, only to come back with over $3000 of their stuff stolen. Laptops, video games, and televisions were amongst the items stolen.  I'm trying to figure out at what point do you stop slapping yourself and realize: 'I actually have to call the cops now'....sounds like a scene from dumb and dumber.

1 comment:

  1. That right there my friend, is some first class dum-assery.
